Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS
Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS
Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS
Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS
Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS

Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS

Regular price $67.00

Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS is designed to help those suffering primarily from problems in the brain, meninges, and peripheral nerves from Lyme toxins, Lyme ammonia, and heavy metal.

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Cruelty Free
Gluten Free
Made In The USA
Sugar Free
Soy Free



About Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS

Test the Effects


Through Bio-Resonance scanning (learn more here), we are able to identify the specific frequencies of a wide spectrum of infections, diseases, toxins, parasites, and many other common health irritants. Read More Once identified, we are able to formulate our herbal extracts to match these frequencies in a way that will provide the body with the bio-information it needs to facilitate its own energetic antimicrobial, detoxification, & other control systems. As this kind of progress grows, the symptoms fall away. So essentially, it is not only a formula of herbs, but also of frequencies that work hand-in-hand with God’s design of the human body, instead of “doing for the body what the body should do for itself."

Silphium laciniatum (entire plant)

Salvia azurea (entire plant)

Homeo-energetic potencies

Experience The Difference

Expertly Innovative Formulas

Each product is the result of years of clinical work striving to help real patients who had gotten minimal results with the big-name, heavily marketed, nutritional supplements. This real-life experience and the use of primarily novel and rare fresh herbs gives these remedies an extremely rare advantage.

Handcrafted At Every Step

The anchor herbs in our remedies are hand-harvested locally by our team of botanical connoisseurs. From there, they are washed, extracted, filtered, formulated, bottled, and shipped all by hand in order to best protect the healing potencies of the formulas.

Unrivaled Freshness And Potency

While most supplemental companies sell remedies made solely from dried-out herbs, only the freshest, most robust wildcrafted herbs are selected for the anchor ingredients in our earth-to-bottle remedies. Minutes after harvesting, the herbs are then taken through a 30-day extraction process, creating some of the highest-frequency extracts possible.

Clinically Trusted

Our frequency-matched botanicals have been utilized by some of the most successful clinics in the world for Lyme disease & more since 1998.


Jernigan Nutraceuticals

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Peter D
No more dizziness, headaches, anxiety, and brain fog

I have suffered for many years with Lyme, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella, Babeiosis, and parasites. I started treating Lyme and Ehrlichiosis in late-2018 when I first got a proper diagnosis after many years of not knowing what I had. I tried 6 months of multiple antibiotics which only made me sicker since they destroyed my good gut bacteria. Later I started treating the other co-infections and parasites. After the antibiotics I went to using a whole host of different herbs and supplements which helped me to improve but I never got me back to fully functional again until I found Jurnigan Nutracutical's products. After extensive research and reading Lyme Internet forum boards for hours a day, I discovered Jernigans Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS. It was a life changer for me, after using it I could feel heavy metals (which Lyme and parasites release) start to be removed from my brain. My thinking got clearer as the brain fog lifted. It also eliminated the dizziness, headaches, and double vision I used to get from time-to-time for over a decade. Additoinally my daily anxiety which would sometimes get so bad, my body would go into a full panic attack, is now completely gone! Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS has been a real live saver for me. The success of this product led me to purchase of other Jernigan's products which I still use daily, all of these products working together have given me my life back.

Shelly Coddington
Life with Jernigan is a total life changer!

I have had Lyme for over 40 years - but have had life changing results after being treated with Jernigan products. Three years ago I survived a near fatal car crash which should have thrown me into a huge flare of symptoms. But because I had been taking Jernigan products to keep my Lyme under control I suffered no setbacks with Lyme during a year long recovery from the accident. I am a walking miracle and am so very happy to have my life back again and on track to even better health than ever!
Thank you, Jernigan, for giving me a new lease on life and the ability to live it well!

Jennifer M
Helps with so many Neuro symptoms

In typical Lyme Disease fashion, the best way to find out what something is doing for you is to stop taking it. I have been taking this product for 8+ years and I ran out last month and I was without any for several days. I can't believe how bad my brain got! Cognition, mood, sleep, vision, and my nervous system symptoms all got worse. Considerably worse. Headaches. Dizzty. More fatigue. I felt awful. I slowly got back on to my regular dose when it arrived and things cleared up considerably. I will never run out of this again and recommend it to EVERYONE dealing with neuro/psychiatric symptoms.

Jodi Parnell
Neuro Antitox 2 CNS

I started taking Neuro Antitox 2 CNS several years ago when I started having chronic dizziness, blurred vision and migraines. It has helped me tremendously manage symptoms so that I can continue ti participate in life. I’m so grateful for this product!

Zbigniew Adamczewski
New Hope

When I was 13 years old I was listening song, there was so much love around me and then I got sick in 3 weeks I lost memory always headache always stomach pain now I'm 65 ,Jernigan is my new hope

These comments have not been approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, or address disease. All of the products in the Jernigan Nutraceutical product line work to enhance and support the restoration of the structure and function of the body’s crystalline matrix. Always consult with your healthcare professional before beginning this or any other dietary supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Drops Should I Take?

What's The Difference Between The Apple Cider Vinegar Base Remedies And The Ethanol Base Remedies? Which Is Best For Me?

What Is Ethanol?

Why Do You Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

Are Your Products Safe If I Have Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance?

How Much Is A Dropper?

How Long Will One 4oz Bottle Last Me?

What Is The Weird Substance In My Apple Cider Vinegar-Based Bottle?

My Doctor Gave Me A Dosage For An Apple Cider Vinegar-Based Remedy In Drops/Droppers. How Do I Do This Without A Dropper?

Why Dont The Remedies With The Apple Cider Vinegar Have A Dropper?

Are Your Products Vegan/Vegetarian?