Macola Oil
This product includes 5 powerhouse oils including Grapeseed Oil (Virgin Organic), Hemp Seed Oil (Virgin Organic), Evening Primrose Oil (Virgin Organic), Pomegranate Seed Oil (Virgin Organic), Maclura pomifera seed oil, and Frankincense oil-- all specially selected to topically help the body heal tissues affected by lichen sclerosus, but also to help the body recover from skin damage and various skin conditions, including eczema, burns, scars, and tick and other insect bites. Internally, it also helps with many pathogens, whether it’s administered orally or via a coconut oil suppository.

Cruelty Free

Gluten Free


Made In The USA


Sugar Free

Soy Free
Grapeseed Oil (Virgin Organic), Hemp Seed Oil (Virgin Organic), Evening Primrose Oil (Virgin Organic), Pomegranate Seed Oil (Virgin Organic), Maclura pomifera seed oil, Frankincense oil
You can take a squirt Macola Oil (10 to 20 drops) in the mouth or make a suppository of it. To make a suppository use 2 baby bottle nipples and tape the bottom of them. Make a solution of Two Tbsp, of liquid coconut oil, and 20 drops of Macola Oil. Pour into the molds and freeze. Pop-out the suppository and insert it into the rectum or the vagina.
About Macola Oil 
This non-comedogenic oil was designed to help the body heal skin issues ranging from burns and bug bites to lichen sclerosus. Several components of Macola Oil are rich in linoleic acid. Studies “demonstrate that linoleic acid can improve wound healing due to its mechanical properties and by modulating the cellular response, increasing the migration and functions of inflammatory and endothelial cells as well as inducing angiogenesis [the development of new blood vessels] at the wound site.” Macola Oil is also antiviral and antibacterial with no man-made drugs.
Through Bio-Resonance scanning (learn more here), we are able to identify the specific frequencies of a wide spectrum of infections, diseases, toxins, parasites, and many other common health irritants. Read More Once identified, we are able to formulate our herbal extracts to match these frequencies in a way that will provide the body with the bio-information it needs to facilitate its own energetic antimicrobial, detoxification, & other control systems. As this kind of progress grows, the symptoms fall away. So essentially, it is not only a formula of herbs, but also of frequencies that work hand-in-hand with God’s design of the human body, instead of “doing for the body what the body should do for itself."
ReferencesMaclura Pomifera Seed Oil 
Scientific publications have shown that Pomifera extract contains super antioxidants, a potent anti-inflammatory, and useful antifungal agents. According to Dr. Edward Group, Founder of the Global Healing Center, maclura pomifera “contains high levels of isoflavones.” Isoflavones are a very strong type of antioxidant and “bind to estrogen receptors, which are present in the skin. Estrogen therapy is thought to improve skin elasticity, water-holding capacity, pigmentation, and vascularity. Estrogens also influence hair follicles.” Research shows that the use of isoflavone-rich extracts during six consecutive months causes a significant increase in epithelial thickness, the number of elastic and collagen fibers, as well as the blood vessels. The maclura pomifera oil is also rich in Vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, specifically linoleic acid. Studies “demonstrate that linoleic acid can improve wound healing due to its mechanical properties and by modulating the cellular response, increasing the migration and functions of inflammatory and endothelial cells as well as inducing angiogenesis [the development of new blood vessels] at the wound site.”
Grape Seed Oil 
Grape Seed Oil in itself has many medicinal properties, such as the following: Studies suggest that Grape Seed Oil and its extract constitute anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, anti-aging, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, and adaptogenic activity. Therefore, it has been beneficial in the treatment of a number of health issues which include: arthritis, edema, dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, dry and itchy skin, age spots, sunburns, chapped lips, wounds, bruising, stretch marks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic venous insufficiency, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), weight loss, stress, dandruff, hair loss, warts, cardiovascular diseases especially atherosclerosis, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, visual impairment, cataract, and macular degeneration. Studies also suggest that its free radical scavenging activity may strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Hemp Seed Oil 
Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats. They have a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 (also high in linoleic acid) to omega-3, which may benefit skin diseases. In some cases, this may provide relief from eczema and its uncomfortable symptoms. Hemp seeds are also a great protein source and contain high amounts of vitamin E. Ana Gotter with Healthline.com asserts: “One of the omega-6 fatty acids that hemp oil contains is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory while simultaneously encouraging skin growth and new cell generation.” Sources: Hempseed as a nutritional resource: An overview by J. C. Callaway; Nutritive quality of Romanian hemp varieties (Cannabis sativa L.) with special focus on oil and metal contents of seeds by Mihoc M, Pop G, Alexa E, Radulov I; Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis by Callaway J, Schwab U, Harvima I, Halonen P, Mykkänen O, Hyvönen P, Järvinen T; Plants used to treat skin diseases by Tabassum, Hamdani. 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds by Adda Bjarnadottir, MS; https://www.healthline.com/health/hemp-oil-for-skin; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329831562_Nutrition_Components_of_Hemp_Seed_Oil_by_Different_Processing_Technology
Pomegranate Seed Oil 
Reinvigorates the Skin. Pomegranate seed oil stimulates “keratinocytes,” major cells found in the outer layer of the skin. This helps to reverse skin damage, revive skin, and reveal a more youthful appearance.
Perfect for All Skin Types. Like most essential oil, pomegranate seed oil penetrates deeply into the skin, creating lasting and healthy moisture. The oil absorbs deeply into the skin without leaving any greasy residue behind. The oil is perfect for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin. The oil is used in products meant for oily skin, to control acne breakout, reduce scarring and soothe minor irritation.
Evening Primrose Oil 
Peripheral neuropathy is a common side effect of diabetes and other conditions. Older research has shown that taking linolenic acid (within the EPO) helps reduce neuropathy symptoms, such as hot and cold sensitivity, numbness, tingling, and weakness. The GLA in EPO is thought to help acne by reducing skin inflammation and reducing the number of skin cells that cause lesions. It may also help the skin retain moisture. According to a 2014 study, EPO may help relieve cheilitis, a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the lips caused by the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane). A separate study found that GLA supplementation reduced both inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesions. An older study suggests that EPO is highly effective in treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms such as depression, irritability, and bloating. Researchers believe some women experience PMS because they’re sensitive to normal prolactin levels in the body. GLA converts to a substance in the body (prostaglandin E1) thought to help prevent prolactin from triggering PMS.
Frankincense Oil (Boswellia carterii) 
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “The monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the most valuable elements of frankincense oil. According to the book, “Reference Guide for Essential Oils,” by Connie and Alan Higley, monoterpenes help prevent and discharge toxins from your liver and kidneys, and have antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating analgesic (weak), and expectorant properties. Meanwhile, sesquiterpenes can go beyond the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the limbic system of your brain, as well as your hypothalamus, and pineal and pituitary glands.” Its active component, boswellic acid, is an anti-inflammatory. It’s also thought that frankincense can help support cellular function, so it’s often used to soothe skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes. The findings of one 2015 study suggest that breast cancer cells may stop growing and die off when exposed to frankincense oil. Researchers concluded that, when administered, the oil appears to differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells. The oil can also suppress cancer cell viability. Frankincense oil can help break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can potentially relieve bronchitis-related congestion.
Experience The Difference
Expertly Innovative Formulas
Each product is the result of years of clinical work striving to help real patients who had gotten minimal results with the big-name, heavily marketed, nutritional supplements. This real-life experience and the use of primarily novel and rare fresh herbs gives these remedies an extremely rare advantage.
Handcrafted At Every Step
The anchor herbs in our remedies are hand-harvested locally by our team of botanical connoisseurs. From there, they are washed, extracted, filtered, formulated, bottled, and shipped all by hand in order to best protect the healing potencies of the formulas.
Unrivaled Freshness And Potency
While most supplemental companies sell remedies made solely from dried-out herbs, only the freshest, most robust wildcrafted herbs are selected for the anchor ingredients in our earth-to-bottle remedies. Minutes after harvesting, the herbs are then taken through a 30-day extraction process, creating some of the highest-frequency extracts possible.
Clinically Trusted
Our frequency-matched botanicals have been utilized by some of the most successful clinics in the world for Lyme disease & more since 1998.

This is the first product I’ve used for lichen sclerosis that actually heals and protects the skin. I could tell a difference in just a few days.
This has such a calming effect on my skin & addresses the root issues that are causing me to have breakouts. Very excited about this.
I have had a rash for the last year that was very persistent. I had tried everything to calm the itching, burning sensation that went along with it. Prescription creams and over the counter ointments didn't do anything for it. I bought Macola Oil, while placing another order with Jernigan Nutraceuticals. After one application, I felt instantly better! After a week, the rash started going away and hasn't returned. I still use the oil to keep the area moisturized and to prevent the rash's return. I also use it for bites, scraps and the occasional breakout. I love it and won't be without it!
While I have five different face oils, the Macola oil is the one I reach for, especially if I am tired and just want a one and done product. My skin is sensitive but responds well to this oil. I look rested and refreshed after a night treatment of Macola.
I really like it. I have Lichen Sclerosis and this helps. I use it along with a few other Jernigan products. :)
These comments have not been approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, or address disease. All of the products in the Jernigan Nutraceutical product line work to enhance and support the restoration of the structure and function of the body’s crystalline matrix. Always consult with your healthcare professional before beginning this or any other dietary supplement.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Drops Should I Take? 
If your body tends to be more sensitive to remedies or medication, then just start out with a couple of drops per day. We have people taking the remedy anywhere from just a few drops per day, to 10 drops, three times a day. Dr. Sara Jernigan personally does not see the *sickest* people, so she is used to using 2 droppers 3-5 times a day with her patients. We have doctors who only buy the 2oz bottles and keep their patients at a low dosage. However, we also have other doctors who only buy the 4oz bottles and have their patients take higher doses as Dr. Sara does. We always like for people to find a person who can use some sort of testing method such as muscle testing, CPK, Zyto Machine, to “ask” the individual body what it needs exactly. We are hoping that if one knows that Dr. Sara is very comfortable with some people taking 2 droppers, 5 times a day, and some people only taking one DROP per day, it will give one the peace of mind to just listen to their own body and innately know what is best for them.
What's The Difference Between The Apple Cider Vinegar Base Remedies And The Ethanol Base Remedies? Which Is Best For Me? 
The different "anchor herbs" in our remedies are hand picked by happy human hands from locally grown sources. These herbs are then taken through a 30-day extraction process using one of two bases: Ethanol/alcohol, or Apple Cider Vinegar. We started extracting the herbs using apple cider vinegar because many of the patients that present with Lyme disease cannot handle the alcohol due to the amount of ammonia in their bodies. We have also found it to be a good alternative for recovering alcoholics. The Apple Cider Vinegar formulas serve the same purpose as the the ethanol ones, but they do not act in the same way. The alcohol versions generally go under the tongue and are absorbed quickly and directly into the bloodstream. Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, should be mixed with water or organic apple juice, and is processed more through the gut. If you can tolerate both alcohol and apple cider vinegar, then the question to ask yourself now is, where are the infections, or the bacteria, or the viruses? Are they mostly coming from a “sick gut”? Or is the infection in the blood? You can always do BOTH to get the most out of each product and attack from both angles, which can definitely be useful when dealing with complex illnesses, such as Lyme disease.
What Is Ethanol? 
Ethanol is the form of alcohol contained in beverages including beer, wine, and liquor. Ethanol is essential to extract the full phytochemical profile of the plant, this cannot be achieved using water or glycerol alone. Ethanol has been used for hundreds of years in herbal extraction. Derived from plant material, ethanol is fermented from a variety of sources and distilled. Corn is the most commonly used material for ethanol production, but possible sources also include wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar cane, and grain sorghum. The ethanol used by Jernigan Nutraceuticals originates from corn.
Why Do You Use Apple Cider Vinegar? 
Many Lyme disease patients are unable to take remedies with alcohol because there is too much ammonia in their system and the alcohol affects them negatively. I also have patients who are recovering alcoholics and cannot take alcohol, therefore, the apple cider vinegar formulas were created. The main difference between the Ethanol formulas and their Apple Cider Vinegar counterparts is that Ethanol works by delivering the herbs directly to the bloodstream while Apple Cider Vinegar is digested through the gut. Because of this difference, Dr. Sara recommends using both the Apple Cider Vinegar and the Ethanol versions of the same remedy whenever possible to give the body two different ways to use the herbs and get the body to heal itself. The apple cider vinegar IS acidic so it is best to mix your dose in 4-8 ounces of water or organic fruit juice. Along with the healing encouraged by the Jernigan Nutraceutical formulas, you will receive the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar which has long been valued as a folk remedy. Below is a list of the benefits others have found from Apple Cider Vinegar: Helps maintain a youthful skin and vibrant body Helps remove artery plaque Helps fight germs, viruses and bacteria naturally Helps retard the onset of old age in humans, pets and farm animals Helps regulate calcium metabolism Helps keep the blood a healthy consistency Helps regulate women’s menstruation Helps normalize the urine pH, thus relieving the frequent urge to urinate Helps digestion, assimilation and balances pH Helps relieve sore throats, laryngitis and throat toxins and cleans out toxins Helps sinus, asthma and flu sufferers to breathe easier and more normally Helps banish acne, soothes burns, sunburns Helps prevent itching scalp, baldness and dry hair and banishes dandruff Helps fight arthritis and removes crystals and toxins from joints, tissues, and organs Helps control and normalize weight Dr. Sara is confident that this Apple Cider Vinegar-based formula will be helpful as you assist your body in healing itself.
Are Your Products Safe If I Have Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance? 
Yes! Don't let the Other Ingredients listing of "20% Natural Grain Spirits" on our ethanol-based remedy labels scare you. Our ingredients are all gluten free and the ethanol is made from corn grain.
How Much Is A Dropper? 
One dropper is one good squeeze of the eyedropper bulb, even though the dropper will look only about half full. If you want to get specific, it's approximately 1ml or 20 drops.
How Long Will One 4oz Bottle Last Me? 
Suggested General Adult Use is 1 dropper (1ml/20 drops) 3 times per day (again, take your body's individual tolerance levels into account). At that dosage, a 4oz bottle will last approximately 39 days.
What Is The Weird Substance In My Apple Cider Vinegar-Based Bottle? 
Don’t worry— that’s normal! Because we only use organic apple cider vinegar for our products, some bottles may contain bits of what's called “the mother,” which can look like a brown-ish, slimy, gelatinous substance. According to pros at Enzymedica, “The mother consists of dozens of strains of good bacteria, which we often refer to as probiotics. These help keep your digestive system running smoothly, so that you can get the most out of the food that you consume. Probiotics are also great for the immune system, the majority of which is located in your digestive tract. The good bacteria in your digestive system compete for resources with the bad bacteria, and maintaining a healthy balance can help prevent you from getting sick. The mother also contains enzymes, which are essential for breaking down foods so that your body can make use of the nutrients you consume. Most raw foods contain enzymes, but the enzymes are often destroyed by cooking; adding in a supplementary source like apple cider vinegar is a great way to make up for this. Consuming raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis has been shown to be useful in maintaining normal body processes, including healthy blood sugar levels. It works with your body to increase insulin sensitivity and to ensure a slow, steady release of sugar into the bloodstream.”
My Doctor Gave Me A Dosage For An Apple Cider Vinegar-Based Remedy In Drops/Droppers. How Do I Do This Without A Dropper? 
1 dropper = approximately 20 drops = 1ml = 1/4 tsp Simply measure with teaspoons.
Why Dont The Remedies With The Apple Cider Vinegar Have A Dropper? 
They don't have one because the dropper tends to get clogged with the 'mother' (see above) and the ACV will deteriorate the dropper over time.
Are Your Products Vegan/Vegetarian? 
Yes! They are 100% vegan and vegetarian.